Most tourists visit Ambrym to see the twin volcanoes of Mt Marum and Mt Benbow. Other attractions include Vanuatu's best fern carvings and tamtam (slit gongs), and the Rom dances of northern and western Ambrym. Village life still features tradtional magic and conjuring tricks, like lifting a person off the ground using leaves from the jungle.
Tradition & Culture
Magic is strongest on the island with active volcanoes, and Abmrym is considered Vanuatu's corcery centre. Sorceres (man blong majik or man blong posen) are treated with respoect. Many islanders have seen too many unexplained happenigns to regard a corcerer with anything but awe.
Ambrym is also the island of sand drawing with 180 sand designs, each referrig to a specific object, legend, dance or creature. Maghe ceremonies (as grade-taking is called in Ambrym) are major customary events. Up to six men at a time take part in grade-taking, when more than 120 pigs may be slaughtered. No majo transactions occurs without the exchange of pigs. They also be paid as fines or as licence fees to copyright owner of, for example, a tamtam design.
Tradition & Culture
Magic is strongest on the island with active volcanoes, and Abmrym is considered Vanuatu's corcery centre. Sorceres (man blong majik or man blong posen) are treated with respoect. Many islanders have seen too many unexplained happenigns to regard a corcerer with anything but awe.
Ambrym is also the island of sand drawing with 180 sand designs, each referrig to a specific object, legend, dance or creature. Maghe ceremonies (as grade-taking is called in Ambrym) are major customary events. Up to six men at a time take part in grade-taking, when more than 120 pigs may be slaughtered. No majo transactions occurs without the exchange of pigs. They also be paid as fines or as licence fees to copyright owner of, for example, a tamtam design.
The Rom Dance
Ambrym's most stiking traditional ceremony combines maghe elements with magic. Teh Rom dance takes palce for several weeks every August in the norht, is followed by a pig kill. The dances perform first in their home vilalge, then visit other to put on shows, wearing the extraordinary Rom Costume: tall, conical, brightly painted bananba- fibre mask and a thick cloak of banana leaves. As the Rom Dance represents a a spriti, each costume is burned after the dance in case the spirits takes it over and haunts or impersonates the dancer.
Ambrym's most stiking traditional ceremony combines maghe elements with magic. Teh Rom dance takes palce for several weeks every August in the norht, is followed by a pig kill. The dances perform first in their home vilalge, then visit other to put on shows, wearing the extraordinary Rom Costume: tall, conical, brightly painted bananba- fibre mask and a thick cloak of banana leaves. As the Rom Dance represents a a spriti, each costume is burned after the dance in case the spirits takes it over and haunts or impersonates the dancer.
Depending on your fitness a number of Volcanoe treks tour can be arranged from a to multiple days.
A number of accommodations ranges from Bungalows to Guest houses and home stays were now established in West, North and South East Ambrym.
Most of them were build on local materials yet provides basic comfort with decent mattress, running shower and even morden flashing toilets. Most of them do not have dedicated phone connectivity so its is always best to make reserve rooms in advance. Since most of the accommodation are outside the telecommunication coverage area Island Experieces is established to make the connection and make travelers travel plan simpler.
A number of accommodations ranges from Bungalows to Guest houses and home stays were now established in West, North and South East Ambrym.
Most of them were build on local materials yet provides basic comfort with decent mattress, running shower and even morden flashing toilets. Most of them do not have dedicated phone connectivity so its is always best to make reserve rooms in advance. Since most of the accommodation are outside the telecommunication coverage area Island Experieces is established to make the connection and make travelers travel plan simpler.
Getting there & Away
Air - At least twice a day Air Vanuatu flys either via Craig Cove on the Vila/Luganvile route. Two times a week there is flight into Ulie from both Vila and Luganville and similar service to South West Bay. A twice weekly loop limks Norsup with both airports on Ambrym, Paama and Lamen Bay on Epi.