Malekula is linguistically and culturally diverse: 28 languages are spoken, and its a favoured stamping ground for anthropologists. Two of its major cultural groups are the Big Nambas, and Small Nambas, originting from the size of the men's namba (penis sheaths).
Tradition & Culture
Female Namanggitenge- Small nambas women have their own nimangi system. While they are considered to be infrerio to me, as long as they take their grades their spirits are as powerful as any man's after death. They call their nimgaki process the namanggitenge.
Namangi is a grade taking ceremony where a chief has to go through to becoming a high chief. In South West Bay aspiring males have as many as 35 grades to pass in the process of becomign a high chief, yet in Vano there only three grades, although very important ones. Boars with curved tusk are slaughtered during grade-taking ceremonies, circumcisions, funeral, the sale of land, and paying a of a fine fro breaking a tabu. In the interior, the tusks are used in masks and puppets.
Alot of of mysteries can be unveiled during the cultural tours.
Female Namanggitenge- Small nambas women have their own nimangi system. While they are considered to be infrerio to me, as long as they take their grades their spirits are as powerful as any man's after death. They call their nimgaki process the namanggitenge.
Namangi is a grade taking ceremony where a chief has to go through to becoming a high chief. In South West Bay aspiring males have as many as 35 grades to pass in the process of becomign a high chief, yet in Vano there only three grades, although very important ones. Boars with curved tusk are slaughtered during grade-taking ceremonies, circumcisions, funeral, the sale of land, and paying a of a fine fro breaking a tabu. In the interior, the tusks are used in masks and puppets.
Alot of of mysteries can be unveiled during the cultural tours.
A number of accommodations ranges from Bungalows to Guest houses and home stays were now established along the coast from Lakatoro/Norsup to Willack North West Malekula. Most of them were build on local materials yet provides basic comfort with decent mattress, running shower and even morden flashing toilets. Most of them do not have dedicated phone connectivity so its is always best to make reserve rooms in advance. Since most of the accommodation are outside the telecommunication coverage area Island Experieces is established to make the connection and make travelers travel plan simpler. |
There a number of treks across Malekula, that combine natural and cultural treasures such as magnificient scenrey, World Heritage caves, waterfalls and kastom villages
Authentic Packages
Authentic Packages are also available depending on the theme of your travel and the number of days you wish to spend on our beautiful islands
Authentic Packages are also available depending on the theme of your travel and the number of days you wish to spend on our beautiful islands
Getting there & Away
Air - At least twice a day Air Vanuatu flys either via Norsup on the Vila/Luganvile route. Two times a week there is flight into Lamap from both Vila and Luganville and similar service to South West Bay. A twice weekly loop limks Norsup with both airports on Ambrym, Paama and Lamen Bay on Epi.